Download heroes 6 steam
Download heroes 6 steam

  • Experience the unique mix of Turn-Based Strategy & RPG: Explore extra-large adventure maps, collect tons of resources and build extraordinary cities.
  • download heroes 6 steam

    Rediscover the richness of the M&M Universe: A unique scenario map based on “Xeen,” a famous legacy world of the Might & Magic Universe.New artifacts and bonuses: Unlock a new spectacular Dynasty weapon, an Artifact Set, a unique Building, a Hero, and for the first time in the saga, a pet!.

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    Over 10 hours of intense and epic adventure: Experience an original and exclusive breathtaking story starring the fan-favorite “Legacy” Hero and discover new secrets of Ashan.Sandro is a legendary Villain, a power-hungry Lich pursuing his own goal using Machiavellian schemes and stratagems.Ĭontrol the destiny of Sandro as he defies men and Dragon Gods, setting carefully planned events into motion that will change Ashan forever. Then Sandro will have to unseal the mysteries surrounding a powerful artifact, the Ring of the Unrepentant… To accomplish his nefarious scheme, Sandro must first find the Staff of the Netherworld, an ancient artifact currently held in the private collection of Duke Ovidio of the Bull. In the aftermath of Heroes VI, the Great Lich returns with a vengeance.

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    For decades, his fate remained a mystery. Years before the events of Heroes VI, the Wizard Sandro was expelled from the ranks of the Spider Cult and banished from the Seven Cities, his staff of power confiscated.

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